Rouard et al (1995) |
To document the co-contraction patterns of elbow and shoulder joints during rapid maximal-effort movement against drag |
9M: Competitive FC specialists Age: 17.3±2.59 |
Swimming |
4 X 100m FC |
71% |
Caty et al (2007) |
To evaluate the wrist fixation and the recruitment of the forearm muscles during insweep and outsweep phases |
7M: International Level Age: 22.6±2.7 |
Swimming |
25m semi-tethered swim |
79% |
Stirn et al (2011) |
To evaluate the peripheral muscle fatigue during 100m maximum effort FC swim in upper trunk and arm muscles by means of amplitude and frequency parameters |
11M: Competitive Non-FC specialists Age: 22.0±2.9 |
Swimming |
100m All-out FC |
82% |
Ikuta et al (2012) |
To evaluate changes in muscle activity associated with physiological fatigue and decreases SV during 200m FC swim To examine the relationship between decreased SV and changes in kinematics or EMG between individuals |
20M: University Team Age: 20.5±1.0 |
Swimming |
200m FC (4 x 50m Swim) |
79% |
Figueiredo et al (2013) |
To investigate and report kinematic and electromyographic changes during a maximal 200m FC. |
10M: International Level Age: 21.26±2.4 |
Swimming |
200m FC |
84% |
Figueiredo et al (2013) |
To investigate how muscle fatigue evolves in 200m FC swim by means of an amplitude and frequency analysis |
10M: Competitive FC specialists Age: 21.6±2.4 |
Swimming |
200m FC |
79% |
Lauer et al (2013) |
To apply coactivation index to prime movers of the elbow in FC & examine how it affected by stroke phases |
10M: International Level Age: 20.8±2.3 |
Swimming |
200m FC |
79% |
Lomax et al (2014) |
To examine whether or not IMF-induced fatigue in the LD and PM muscles, and its impact on stroke kinematics during sprint swimming |
6M, 2F: Collegiate Level Age: 22.0±5.5 (overall) |
Swimming |
20s Arms Only FC |
71% |
Martens et al (2015a) |
To assess intra-individual variability of the EMG signal of bilaterally measured RA and DM; To describe the muscle activity by MVIC, in relation to upper limb stroke movements |
15M: Competitive Age: 21.26±2.24 |
Swimming |
25m FC |
87% |
Pereira et al (2015) |
To describe and compare the kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic characteristics of 4 FC flip turns |
9M, 8F: National Level Age: 19.5±2.6 (M); 16.0±2.8 (F) |
Turn |
Flip Turn: 4 Variants |
82% |
Kobayashi et al (2016) |
To clarify muscle activation pattern between agonist and antagonist muscles in trunk, thigh and lower legs during underwater dolphin kick |
13F: Collegiate Level Age: 20.2±1.7 |
Start & Turn |
15m Dolphin Kick |
68% |
Matsuda et al (2016) |
To compare muscle activation and co-contraction levels of rectus femoris and biceps femoris during flutter kicking between swimmers |
10 Competitive, 10 Recreational Age: 20.0±0.9 (Competitive) |
Swimming |
Flutter Kick |
76% |
Martens et al (2016) |
To investigate inter-individual variability in FC swimming; To determine if any EMG sub patterns using key features in a cluster analysis |
15M: Competitive Age: 21.26±2.24 |
Swimming |
25m FC |
87% |
Yamakawa et al (2017) |
To clarify the effects of increased kick frequency on Froude efficiency and muscular activation patterns in trunk, thigh, and leg during underwater dolphin kick; To investigate the relationships between average swimming velocity or Froude efficiency and muscular activation pattern |
8F: Competitive Age: 20.9±1.9 |
Start & Turn |
15m Dolphin Kick |
79% |