Table 4. Summary of which muscle investigated, measured biomechanical parameters and normalization method of each study. Various method for EMG data normalization method were adopted, and clearly described the procedures in most of the included studies. Some relevant biomechanical parameters also measured as secondary outcomes, i.e., stroke length (SL) and stroke frequency (SF) and so on.
Author (Year) Main Purpose Swim Test Muscles Investigated Biomechanical Parameters Normalization of EMG Data
Rouard et al (1995) Co-contraction 4 X 100m FC Unilateral: Side - Not Mentioned
Upper Limbs: BB, TB, FCU, BRR, LD, AD
N/A Dynamic Peak: % of iEMGmax
Caty et al (2007) Co-contraction 25m semi-tethered swim Unilateral: Right Side
Upper Limbs: FCU, ECU
Power(W) Dynamic Peak: % of iEMGmax
Lauer et al (2013) Co-contraction 200m FC Unilateral: Right Side
Upper Limbs: BB, TB
Elbow angular velocity(deg/s) Dynamic Peak: % of iEMGmax
Matsuda et al (2016) Co-contraction Flutter Kick Unilateral: Side - Not Mention
Lower Limbs: RF; BF
Velocity(m/s), Kick time(s), Kick length(m/kick),
Max. angular velocity(deg/s)
Dynamic Peak: Peak Value from 10 kick cycles
Yamakawa et al (2017) Co-contraction** Dolphin Kick Unilateral: Right Side
Trunk: RA, ES
Lower Limbs: TA, GAS, RF, BF
Average SV(m/s), Froude Efficiency, KF(Hz), Kick Amplitude(m), Average & Max. Vertical Toe Velocities(m/s), % of downward & upward kick phases Not mentioned
Martens et al (2015a) Intra-variability of muscle activity 25m FC Swim Bilateral Sides: Upper Limbs: DM
Trunk: RA
N/A MVIC & Dynamic Peak
Martens et al (2016) Inter-variability of muscle activity 25m FC Swim Bilateral Sides: Upper Limbs: DM
Trunk: RA
Ikuta et al (2012) Muscle activation pattern** 200m FC Unilateral: Right Side
Upper Limbs: FCU, BB, PM, LD, TB, AD, PD
Lower Limbs: TA, GAS, RF, BF
SV(m/s), SL(m)
AAV of shoulder flexion
Not mention
Figueiredo et al (2013) Muscle activation pattern 200m FC swim Unilateral: Right Side
Upper Limbs: FCR, BB, TB, PM, UT
Lower Limbs: BF, RF
SV(m/s), SF(Hz), SL(m), KF(Hz),
Hand angular velocity(rad/s)
Elbow & shoulder angles(deg)
Dynamic Peak: % of iEMGmax
Pereira et al (2015) Muscle activation pattern Flip Turn Side: Not Mention
Lower Limbs: GASM, TA, BF, VL
Time of each phase of turn(s),
Horizontal velocity of COM(m/s),
Initial Rolling Distance(m)
Kobayashi et al (2016) Muscle activation pattern 15m dolphin kick Unilateral: Side – Not mention
Trunk Muscles: RA, ES
Lower Limbs: RF, BF, TA, GAS
Average SV(m/s), KF(Hz),
Kick amplitude(m),
% of downward & upward phases
Dynamic Peak: Peak Value of 3 kick cycles
Stirn et al (2011) Muscle Fatigue 100m FC Unilateral: Right Side
Upper Limbs: TB, PM & LD
SV(m/s), SL(m), SR(stroke/min) Not mentioned
Lomax et al (2014) Muscle Fatigue 20s arms only FC Unilateral: Right Side
Upper Limbs: PM, LD
SR(cycles/min) Not mentioned
Figueiredo et al (2013) Muscle Fatigue 200m FC Unilateral: Side – Not mention
Upper Limbs: FCR, BB, PM, UT, TB
Lower Limbs: TA, RF, BF
SF(Hz), SL(m), SV(m/s) Dynamic Peak: % of iEMGmax
Unit: cycle/min: cycle/minute; deg: degree; deg/s: degree/second; Hz: Hertz; m: meter; m/kick: meter/kick; m/s: meter/second; s: second; stroke/min: stroke/minute; rad/s: radian/second; W: Watt. Abbreviations - AAV: Arm angular velocity; AD: Anterior Deltoid; BB: Biceps Brachii; BF: Biceps Femoris; BRR: Brachioradialis; COM: Centre of Mass; DM: Deltoideus Medialis; ECU: Extensor Carpi Ulnaris; EMG: Electromyography; ES: Erector Spinae; FC: Front crawl/ Freestyle; FCR: Flexor Carpi Radialis; FCU: Flexor Carpi Ulnaris; GAS: Gastrocnemius; GASM: Gastrocnemius Medialis; iEMGmax: Maximum value of integrated electromyographic data; KF: Kick frequency; LD: Latissimus Dorsi; MVIC: Maximum Voluntary Isometric Contraction; N/A: Not applicable; PD: Posterior Deltoid; PM: Pectoralis Major; RA: Rectus Abdominis; RF: Rectus Femoris; SL: Stroke Length; SR: Stroke Rate; SV: Swimming Velocity; TA: Tibialis Anterior; TB: Triceps Brachii; UT: Upper Trapezius; VL: Vastus Lateralis.
**: Secondary purpose: investigation of the relationships with the kinematics parameters with EMG data.