Table 1. Summary of higher and lower order themes
Theme Level Theme Quote
Higher-Order Theme Off-court training for tennis should be specific P9: “I think you’ve got to train to stimulate the adaptations required to handle the (match play) landscape”
P7: “…it (training) should be closer to that representation than it currently is”
Lower-Order Theme Individual differences need to be considered P8: “So I have a look at a player’s style, as well, and how they play the game. And (then) what capacities I need to further develop”
Building a foundation of strength is important P13: “(When) it’s a young…junior player. I’m a strong believer of their overall athleticism and strength. So I want to go a pretty balanced program and not too much focus on those specific stress on the body yet”
The intensity of current training is not always adequate P12: “There’s a lot of training that is not at the speeds or the loads that are representative of what the athlete needs…or even the body positions. There’s a lot of general training that gets done”
P10: “You can do some sprints with resistance bands…but an athlete with 10 years of strength experience…it’s a little bit of a joke. The load on the muscles…it’s not really killing the muscles the way they want to have an impact on it”
Coaches are inclined to program too many gym movements in the vertical plane P5: “From my experience, coaches have a tendency to focus on mainly exercises in the vertical plane because it’s traditional… tennis involves a lot of lateral and anterior-posterior movement, so I think it’s important to maximize this kind of movement in the gym”
P8: “I think it’s too much on the vertical plane and we don’t address the horizontal plane”
Higher-Order Theme Our understanding of the demands of tennis are limited from a mechanical standpoint P8: “I think (there is) a lack of understanding of physical preparation coaches in tennis on the actual demands of tennis”
Lower-Order Theme Coaches are much more comfortable describing the physiological demands vs the mechanical demands of tennis
The force application demands of the lower limb are not well understood P2: “All of us in a way on this force and acceleration/deceleration, we’re making lots and lots of educated guesses”
P4: “Yeah, I really struggle with it to be honest (the force application demands). I really struggle to kind of answer and define it”
Understanding the force application demands of the lower limb is of interest to coaches P2: “The forces are very interesting… so I think this (the lower limb force application demands) immediately becomes a framework of training”
P1: “if you were writing a power program or rate of force production program, the application of force in these directions should be trained and emphasised in a particular way, and I think it would be really fantastic relevant information… also in movement training… it would help you construct on court training sessions that apply to the sports more appropriately”
Higher-Order Theme The activity of the lower limb is not well understood P12: “Monitoring load is important. The challenge is, we don’t have a really great strategy to monitor load in tennis currently… I think the field-based technologies that are out there are giving some misleading information at best”
P1: “In my opinion, the number one issue which stops player’s careers is an inappropriate amount of external load over the years, and not enough management of load over the years, over a player’s career”
Lower-Order Theme Global Positioning System units are used frequently by coaches, however there are limitations of this technology P1: “Because the movements are so small and GPS technologies are just not quite up to speed with a sport that has so many small movements”
The ability to delineate the upper and the lower limb load is of interest, but currently no technology exists that is able to capture this P2: “I really see speed coming through the roof… So we’re going to have to understand the leg loads… tennis is a 70% leg sport”
P12: “I think that is where everyone is trying to get to now. And there’s some lab-based technologies and camera based systems that are getting better at this, they still, I wouldn’t say are practical enough or easy to use with athletes on a consistent basis”
A lack of context exists surrounding the data that is currently captured at the moment P1: “I think we are not able to have really good quality conversations with coaches around the data that we’re getting, all we can do is infer things”
The symmetry between load on the lower limbs is not well understood P5: “It’s an asymmetric sport…and I’m not sure about the differences in terms of load from these two legs, when he’s playing, so that would be interesting too”
P13: “Honestly on the tennis court, I can’t tell (loading differences between legs)”
P denotes Participant