Table 2. Four-week WB-EMS training protocol for static (STA) and dynamic training group (DYN).
Exercise Group Load (set × reps) Inter-Set-Rest [s] Knee angle/ ROM [°] con-iso-ecc-iso [s] Duty Cycle [%]
Bulgarian Split Squat STA 3 × 10 120 120 0 – 6 – 0 – 4 60
DYN 3 × 10 120 180-90 3 – 0 – 3– 4 60
Glut-Ham-Bridge STA 3 × 10 120 130 0 – 6 – 0– 4 60
Sliding Leg Curl DYN 3 × 10 120 180-100 3 – 0 – 3– 4 60
ROM = range of motion; con = concentric; iso = isometric; ecc = eccentric.