Table 3. Mean values of GPS indicators during competition across positions. Values are presented as mean values ± SD.
TD (m) 9914 ± 617 10260 ± 622 10943 ± 639 *,#, 11168 ± 690 *,#, 10240 ± 575
MSD (m) 1113 ± 274 1198 ± 338 1420 ± 337 * 1796 ± 400 *,#,§ 1545 ± 389 *,#
HSD (m) 375 ± 131 520 ± 115 *,§ 351 ± 129 664 ± 142 *,#,§, 474 ± 114 *,§
SPR (m) 120 ± 117 210 ± 96 *,§ 130 ± 118 190 ± 96 § 125 ± 93
ACC (n) 83 ± 24 100 ± 23 *,§ 79 ± 26 115 ± 27 *,§ 95 ± 28
DEC (n) 71 ± 22 99 ± 20 *,§ 78 ± 23 107 ± 23 *,§ 91 ± 22 *
TD: Total distance (m); LSD: low-speed distance ([0-15[ km·h-1) (m); MSD: moderate speed distance ([15-20[ km·h-1) (m); HSD: High speed distance ([20-25] km·h-1) (m); SPR: Sprint distance (> 25 km·h-1) (m); ACC: accelerations (> 3 m·s-2) (n); DEC: decelerations (< -3 m·s-2) (n); CD: central defender; FB: full back; CM: central midfielder; WM: wide midfielder; FW: forward.
* p < 0.05 of the given position compared to CD
# compared to FB
§ compared to CM
†  compared to WM
¶ compared to FW.