Table 4. Technical skills of experimental group (n = 17). Values are mean ± SD (95% Confidence Interval).
Technical Skills Pre Post
Dribbling (s) 29.30 ± 2.12
29.62 ± 2.42
Jug1 (D) (rep) 24.88 ± 19.51
29.53 ± 18.88
Jug1 (ND) (rep) 8.76 ± 11.50
7.41 ± 5.82
Jug2 (m) 7.56 ± 5.52
8.56 ± 5.57
Passing (D) (pts) 9.00 ± 3.66
§11.06 ± 2.73
Passing (ND) (pts) 5.76 ± 2.49
5.24 ± 3.03
*Shooting (D) (pts) 3.65± 2.45
§6.71 ± 3.10
Shooting (ND) (pts) 0.82 ± 1.67
1.76 ± 2.11
*Significant differences between conditions, p < 0.05.
D, dominant leg; ND, non-dominant; Pre, condition prior to the balance-training program; Post, condition after the balance-training program; pts, points; rep, repetitions; SD, standard deviation