Table 2. Average running cyclic parameters, stride phases and % of coordination of competitive athletes when at moderate, severe and extreme intensities.
Running pace condition
Easy pace 5000-m pace Sprint
Lenght (m) Male 2.95±0.26 3.55±0.25 * 4.18±0.30 *#
Female 2.84±0.08 3.15±0.14 * 3.96±0.13 *#
Total 2.89±0.20 3.35±0.29 * 4.07±0.25 *#
Frequency (Hz) Male 1.44±0.09 1.55±0.10 * 1.81±0.09 *#
Female 1.43±0.06 1.49±0.06 * 1.80±0.08 *#
Total 1.44±0.08 1.52±0.08 * 1.80±0.08 *#
Velocity (m/s) Male 4.24±0.28 5.47±0.42 * 7.54±0.51 *#
Female 4.06±0.18 4.67±0.25 * 7.11±0.25 *#
Total 4.15±0.24 5.07±0.53 * 7.32±0.44 *#
Contact time (ms) Total 218±19 192±20 * 142±12 *#
Flight time (ms) Total 130±19 138±16 * 135±12 *#
Duty factor % Total 31.34±2.36 29.01±2.19 * 25.64±1.78 *#
Brake time (ms) Total 78±11 69±13 * 50±8 *#
Push time (ms) Total 140±15 123±14 * 92±8 *#
Touchdown coordination % Total 87.59±1.97 88.77±2.13 * 91.79±2.75 *#
Mid-stance coordination % Total 89.40±1.16 89.67±1.24 91.11±1.38 *#
Flight coordination % Total 93.88±4.09 96.60±2.06 * 98.12±0.98 *#
Statistical differences with easy pace and 5000 m pace are denoted with superscripts * and #, respectively.