Supplemental Table 2. Mean, standard deviation, and first principal component of each physical fitness measurement item and formula for calculating physical score using them for men.
Average Standard deviation First principal component Physical score calculation formula
Age GWR Balance Flexibility GWR Balance Flexibility GWR Balance Flexibility
30 0.63 85.1 1.5 0.1 70.4 8.2 0.386 0.741 0.549 3.743a+0.0105b+0.0672c-3.337
31 0.63 77 1.2 0.12 66.6 8.7 0.701 0.707 -0.097 6.075a+0.0106b-0.0111c-4.638
32 0.61 58.1 -0.5 0.11 48.2 10 0.696 0.454 0.557 6.418a+0.0094b+0.0555c-4.437
33 0.64 64.3 -0.4 0.1 62.7 8.6 0.575 0.618 -0.537 5.664a+0.0099b-0.0626c-4.276
34 0.62 64.3 0.3 0.1 57.2 9.3 0.722 0.54 0.432 6.897a+0.0094b+0.0466c-4.924
35 0.63 70.5 1.5 0.1 61.6 8.9 0.659 0.592 0.463 6.489a+0.0096b+0.0523c-4.849
36 0.63 69.1 1.4 0.11 60.4 9.2 0.672 0.445 0.592 6.341a+0.0074b+0.0643c-4.569
37 0.63 63.3 2.2 0.11 56.4 8.4 0.668 0.503 0.549 6.122a+0.0089b+0.0652c-4.589
38 0.62 62.1 2.1 0.1 54.1 8.4 0.675 0.42 0.607 6.726a+0.0078b+0.0722c-4.813
39 0.63 59 2 0.11 54.6 8.9 0.654 0.551 0.519 6.152a+0.0101b+0.0582c-4.559
40 0.63 59.5 2 0.1 55 8.5 0.628 0.565 0.535 6.028a+0.0103b+0.0626c-4.523
41 0.62 55.6 1.7 0.1 51.8 8.7 0.646 0.547 0.532 6.555a+0.0106b+0.0611c-4.774
42 0.62 55.6 1.2 0.1 51.3 8.9 0.634 0.576 0.516 6.135a+0.0112b+0.058c-4.513
43 0.62 56.5 1.6 0.1 54 8.6 0.659 0.559 0.503 6.633a+0.0104b+0.0586c-4.796
44 0.63 52.2 1.4 0.1 48.6 8.6 0.639 0.55 0.538 6.326a+0.0113b+0.0622c-4.641
45 0.62 48.2 1.5 0.1 48.3 8.6 0.648 0.549 0.529 6.447a+0.0114b+0.0613c-4.634
46 0.62 51.1 2 0.1 50.1 8.7 0.656 0.529 0.538 6.526a+0.0106b+0.0615c-4.691
47 0.62 50.3 1.8 0.1 50.4 8.7 0.633 0.568 0.526 6.174a+0.0113b+0.0603c-4.477
48 0.62 52.3 2.7 0.1 53.9 8.5 0.657 0.545 0.521 6.915a+0.0101b+0.0612c-5.006
49 0.63 46.4 1.9 0.1 48.4 8.7 0.65 0.564 0.509 6.691a+0.0117b+0.0587c-4.864
50 0.63 44.2 2.3 0.1 44.5 8.5 0.631 0.538 0.558 6.392a+0.0121b+0.0654c-4.682
51 0.63 45.9 2.3 0.09 46.2 8.4 0.619 0.586 0.523 6.659a+0.0127b+0.0624c-4.929
52 0.62 42.3 2.4 0.1 43.1 8.6 0.61 0.588 0.53 6.236a+0.0136b+0.0614c-4.589
53 0.62 41.9 2.5 0.1 42.6 8.6 0.628 0.568 0.531 6.444a+0.0133b+0.0615c-4.736
54 0.63 40.2 2.2 0.09 42.3 8.7 0.625 0.542 0.561 6.609a+0.0128b+0.0648c-4.793
55 0.63 35.9 2.2 0.09 37.4 8.3 0.648 0.527 0.551 6.843a+0.0141b+0.0663c-4.929
56 0.62 38.2 1.5 0.09 40.7 8.4 0.604 0.555 0.572 6.56a+0.0136b+0.0677c-4.717
57 0.62 35.9 2.6 0.09 37.6 8.5 0.622 0.476 0.622 6.611a+0.0126b+0.0733c-4.762
58 0.62 34.1 2.3 0.09 38.5 8.2 0.658 0.524 0.54 7.208a+0.0136b+0.0658c-5.102
59 0.62 28.4 2.4 0.09 32.5 8.5 0.619 0.57 0.54 7.001a+0.0176b+0.0636c-4.981
60 0.61 30.4 2.1 0.09 35.5 8.5 0.65 0.583 0.486 7.439a+0.0164b+0.0571c-5.165
61 0.61 25.7 2.2 0.09 26.8 8.1 0.635 0.501 0.589 6.832a+0.0187b+0.0731c-4.825
62 0.61 25.2 2.4 0.09 27 8.5 0.595 0.555 0.581 6.596a+0.0206b+0.0685c-4.723
63 0.61 23.7 2.3 0.09 27.1 8.5 0.634 0.524 0.568 6.937a+0.0193b+0.0672c-4.841
64 0.61 22.7 2 0.09 27.9 8.3 0.622 0.567 0.541 6.695a+0.0203b+0.0654c-4.694
65 0.61 20.6 3.1 0.09 24.7 8.3 0.624 0.512 0.591 7.028a+0.0207b+0.0715c-4.905
66 0.6 19 2.8 0.09 20 8.4 0.656 0.557 0.509 7.3a+0.0279b+0.0603c-5.104
67 0.6 17.8 3 0.09 19.8 8.4 0.603 0.554 0.574 6.631a+0.0279b+0.0681c-4.66
68 0.6 17.1 1.7 0.09 19.9 8.7 0.664 0.515 0.542 7.152a+0.0259b+0.062c-4.823
69 0.6 17.3 3.1 0.09 19.1 8 0.704 0.16 0.692 7.584a+0.0084b+0.0861c-4.993

GWR(Grip weight ratio):Relative grip strength, Balance: Single-leg balance, Flexibility: Forward bend

a, b, and c are the measured values of Relative grip strength, Single-leg balance, and Forward bend, respectively.

a: Relative grip strength,b: Single-leg balance,c: Forward bend.