Supplemental Table 3. Mean, standard deviation, and first principal component of each physical fitness measurement item and formula for calculating physical score using them for women.
Average Standard deviation First principal component Physical score calculation formula
Age GWR Balance Flexibility GWR Balance Flexibility GWR Balance Flexibility
31 0.5 62.7 5.7 0.08 51.2 7.9 0.711 0.043 0.701 9.03a+0.0008b+0.0891c-5.096
32 0.52 77.7 5.7 0.09 65.3 9.9 0.67 0.539 0.511 7.333a+0.0082b+0.0519c-4.726
33 0.5 65.5 5.4 0.08 64.9 9 0.714 0.599 0.362 9.332a+0.0092b+0.0401c-5.45
34 0.49 66.4 5.5 0.09 61.7 8.9 0.694 0.153 0.703 8.123a+0.0025b+0.079c-4.604
35 0.49 68.2 6.3 0.09 62.4 8.8 0.665 0.502 0.554 7.687a+0.008b+0.0629c-4.722
36 0.49 64.4 6 0.09 59.5 8.7 0.614 0.534 0.581 6.988a+0.009b+0.0667c-4.426
37 0.5 67.7 6.8 0.09 59.2 8.9 0.634 0.585 0.506 7.323a+0.0099b+0.0568c-4.698
38 0.5 67.1 6.1 0.08 61.9 8.8 0.709 0.488 0.51 8.664a+0.0079b+0.0581c-5.215
39 0.49 62.2 6.2 0.09 56 8.7 0.641 0.548 0.537 7.473a+0.0098b+0.0619c-4.69
40 0.49 58.1 5.9 0.08 55.8 8.5 0.688 0.489 0.536 8.304a+0.0088b+0.0631c-4.964
41 0.5 61.5 6.7 0.09 59 8.2 0.612 0.576 0.543 7.108a+0.0097b+0.0662c-4.611
42 0.5 64.1 7.1 0.08 58.1 9.2 0.616 0.63 0.474 7.307a+0.0108b+0.0517c-4.725
43 0.49 57.1 6.9 0.09 51.9 8.2 0.658 0.509 0.555 7.558a+0.0098b+0.0677c-4.752
44 0.5 58.1 7.3 0.09 55 7.9 0.697 0.604 0.387 7.996a+0.011b+0.0493c-5
45 0.49 58.5 7.2 0.09 55.1 8.5 0.616 0.583 0.53 6.919a+0.0106b+0.0626c-4.49
46 0.49 58.6 7.1 0.09 57.3 7.7 0.659 0.543 0.52 7.744a+0.0095b+0.0673c-4.858
47 0.49 54.8 7 0.09 51.9 7.7 0.663 0.476 0.577 7.672a+0.0092b+0.0747c-4.795
48 0.49 55.1 7.3 0.09 55.3 8.1 0.665 0.552 0.502 7.794a+0.01b+0.0618c-4.842
49 0.48 47.8 7.3 0.08 48.8 8.5 0.648 0.516 0.56 7.645a+0.0106b+0.0658c-4.675
50 0.48 49.1 8.2 0.08 48.4 7.6 0.664 0.562 0.493 8.001a+0.0116b+0.0645c-4.974
51 0.48 49.8 8.2 0.08 50.5 8.1 0.658 0.599 0.457 8.054a+0.0119b+0.0567c-4.934
52 0.48 51 8.1 0.08 54.4 7.7 0.674 0.55 0.493 8.315a+0.0101b+0.0645c-5.031
53 0.48 47.4 8.4 0.08 50 7.3 0.612 0.579 0.538 7.329a+0.0116b+0.0733c-4.66
54 0.48 40.7 8.6 0.08 40.4 7.8 0.678 0.538 0.501 8.146a+0.0133b+0.0639c-4.961
55 0.47 40 8.9 0.09 41.4 7.8 0.65 0.51 0.563 7.58a+0.0123b+0.0724c-4.729
56 0.48 42.3 10.1 0.08 45 6.9 0.636 0.549 0.542 7.776a+0.0122b+0.0789c-5.062
57 0.48 36 9.6 0.08 43.5 7 0.629 0.527 0.572 7.748a+0.0121b+0.0812c-4.965
58 0.48 37.9 9.7 0.08 42.2 7 0.643 0.544 0.539 7.922a+0.0129b+0.0771c-5.049
59 0.48 31.6 10.4 0.08 35.4 6.9 0.639 0.658 0.399 7.981a+0.0186b+0.0576c-4.994
60 0.47 35.4 10.3 0.08 41.4 7.1 0.643 0.517 0.566 7.867a+0.0125b+0.0802c-4.953
61 0.47 31.8 10.5 0.08 37.4 7.4 0.632 0.519 0.575 8.202a+0.0139b+0.0775c-5.147
62 0.47 27.6 10.5 0.08 28.9 7.4 0.65 0.502 0.57 7.764a+0.0174b+0.0772c-4.955
63 0.47 28.4 10.6 0.08 34.9 7 0.616 0.567 0.547 7.612a+0.0162b+0.0784c-4.848
64 0.47 25.7 11.3 0.08 29.3 7 0.674 0.588 0.447 8.252a+0.0201b+0.0641c-5.085
65 0.48 26 11.7 0.08 33.6 6.9 0.66 0.521 0.541 7.831a+0.0155b+0.0779c-5.042
66 0.46 21.9 10.7 0.08 22.7 7 0.693 0.326 0.643 8.467a+0.0144b+0.0919c-5.2
67 0.46 19.2 12 0.08 26.5 6.9 0.639 0.403 0.655 7.987a+0.0152b+0.0951c-5.09
68 0.46 17.1 10.3 0.08 14.7 7.4 0.675 0.63 0.384 8.896a+0.0428b+0.052c-5.331
69 0.46 18.6 12.3 0.08 21.4 7.1 0.644 0.616 0.454 7.934a+0.0288b+0.0638c-4.996

GWR(Grip weight ratio):Relative grip strength, Balance: Single-leg balance, Flexibility: Forward bend

a, b, and c are the measured values of Relative grip strength, Single-leg balance, and Forward bend, respectively.

a: Relative grip strength,b: Single-leg balance,c: Forward bend.