Table 5. Stability variables (Mean± SD) during CVJ tasks by different footwear conditions.
Variables (°) 50D 60D 70D F P η2
Ankle Max. Dorsiflexion 22.66 ± 7.10 21.27 ± 8.61 19.83 ± 8.29 / 0.472 /
Max. Plantarflexion 37.39 ± 2.35 35.15 ± 4.14 34.72 ± 3.04 2.88 0.072 0.161
ROM of sagittal plane 60.05 ± 7.42c 56.42 ± 5.71 54.55 ± 8.53a 5.74 0.008 0.277
Knee Max. Flexion 56.38 ± 5.40 53.27 ± 5.62 54.89 ± 6.58 0.66 0.525 0.045
ROM of sagittal plane 49.57 ± 10.33b 39.84 ± 3.30a 46.13 ± 13.45 4.64 0.021 0.297