Table 1. Performance and ROM at each testing time. Data are meand (±SD).
Measures Pre-SS Pre-control Post-Warm-up (Exp) Post- Warm-up (Control) Exp P-values Pre-Post- Exp ES Pre-Post Control ES Post-Exp vs. Post-Control ES
ROM (Right) 112.2 (21.8) 113.2 (22.2) 116.8 (19.8) 109.3 (21.5) 0.03 0.22 0.13 0.35
ROM (Left) 108.9 (19.3) 109.6 (19.5) 114.4 (19.4) 108.3 (21.7) 0.004 0.28 0.03 0.29
Knee Flexion Force (N) 353.7 (85.8) 353.6 (88.4) 350.3 (102.1) 358.4 (95.8) NS 0.03 0.05 0.07
Knee Extension Force (N) 521.5 (154.4) 519.6 (159.1) 505.6 (157.9) 506.0 (161.5) NS 0.10 0.09 0.002
Hamstrings EMG (mV) 0.942 (0.412) 0.951 (0.43) 0.852 (0.447) 0.991 (0.551) NS 0.21 0.10 0.12
Quadriceps EMG (mV) 1.477 (0.808) 1.39 (0.83) 1.428 (0.851) 1.315 (0.663) NS 0.059 0.22 0.13
CMJ Height (m) 0.266 (0.093) 0.255 (0.095) 0.272 (0.092) 0.259 (0.089) NS 0.069 0.076 0.14
DJ Height (m) 0.253 (0.100) - 0.251 (0.094) 0.257 (0.089) NS 0.021 0.045 0.06
CMJ: countermovement jump, DJ: drop jump, EMG: electromyography, ES: effect sizes, Exp: experimental (SS 2 hours prior to warm-up), NS: non-significant, ROM: range of motion in degrees, SS: static stretching.