Table 2. Summary of each machine learning model employed in our study, reference and reasoning for application.
Learning Model
Abbreviation Reference Reasoning
K-Nearest-Neighbors regressor KNeighbors (Fix and Hodges, Jr, J. L., 1951) K-nearest neighbor (KNN) models are particularly effective in regression tasks where local data patterns are crucial, as they base predictions on the proximity to neighboring data points.
Ridge Ridge (Friedman et al., 2010) Linear regression based models are beneficial in regression tasks, particularly when regularization is required to improve model generalization and mitigate overfitting.
Lasso Lasso
Elastic-Net ElasticNet (Friedman et al., 2010)
Decision tree DecisionTree (Breiman, 2017) Tree-based models are highly effective in regression tasks, especially in scenarios where complex, non-linear relationships or intricate interactions exist between the input features and the target variable.
Extremely randomized trees ExtraTree (Geurts et al., 2006)
Random forest RandomForest (Breiman, 2001)
Gradient tree boosting GradientBoosting (Friedman, 2002)
Adaptive boosting AdaBoost (Freund and Schapire, 1995)