Part 1:
Group workshop |
- Right before or after refereeing a
- Duration: 45 min
1. Getting to know and meeting where
they are
2. Psycho-education (Lazarus’
stress model)
3. Exercise: Mindful Breathing Relaxation
4. Discussing Expectations, Preferences
1. Relationship and trust building
2. Psycho-education
3. Mindfulness
4.Relationship and trust building
1. Sharp et al. (2015)
2. Lazarus & Folkman (1984)
3. Baltzell & Summers (2018)
4. Sharp et al. (2015)
to 5-week break |
Part 2:
Individual session |
- Individually scheduled appointment
- Based on availability during the week,
in the evening or, potentially on the weekend
- Zoom Video call
- Duration: 60 min
1. Meeting where they are, reflecting
what’s happened
2. Review of stress model (Lazarus)
3. Exercise: ABC model
4. Lessons Learned, Next Steps, Transfer
1. Relationship and trust building
2. Psycho education
3. Cognitive Re-Appraisal
4. Soliciting Feedback and Key Takeaways
1. Sharp et al. (2015)
2. Lazarus & Folkman (1984)
3. Ellis (1993)
4. Høigaard & Johansen
to 5-week break |
Part 3:
Group workshop |
- Group workshop with multiple participants
- Date and location based on participants
- Key criteria: short travel for everyone,
no scheduling conflicts for everyone
- Usually scheduled on a Saturday
- Duration: 180 min
1. Meeting where they are, reflecting
what’s happened, preliminary summary
2. Review of stress model (Lazarus)
3. Worksheet: Resources and Coping Strategies
4. Exercise: Body Language
5. Exercise: Self access (Somatic Markers)
6. Worksheet: Letting go of mistakes
7. Exercise: Short Breathing Relaxation
8. Summary, Next Steps, Transfer
1. Relationship and trust building, soliciting
2. Psycho-education
3. Resource Activation, Coping Strategy
4. Embodiment
5. Embodiment
6. Resource Activation, Coping Strategy
7. Emotion Regulation
8. Soliciting Feedback
1. Sharp et al. (2015),
Høigaard & Johansen (2004)
2. Lazarus & Folkman (1984)
3. Semmer & Zapf (2018)
4./5. Beckmann & Ehrlenspiel (2018),
Storch et al. (2006)
6. Loehr (1989),
Brückner (2019)
7. Pineschi & Di Pietro (2013)
8. Høigaard & Johansen
to 5-week break |
Part 4:
Individual session |
- Individually scheduled appointment
- Based on availability during the week,
in the evening or, potentially on the weekend
- Zoom Video call
- Duration: 60 min
1. Meeting where they are, reflecting
what’s happened
2. Review of stress model (Lazarus)
3. General Feedback Coaching-Input, -Process
and -Methods
4. Feedback on specific Coaching-Interventions
5. Sustainable Transfer and Take-Home
1. Relationship and trust building
2. Psycho-education
3. Systematic Reflection
4. Systematic Reflection
5. Soliciting Overall Feedback
1. Sharp et al. (2015)
2. Lazarus & Folkman (1984)
3. Ellis et al. (2014)
4. Ellis et al. (2014)
5. Høigaard & Johansen