Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Conflicts of interest

Manuscripts that do not comply with the following requirements and directives for process, style and format will not enter the peer-review process. The JSSM does not accept descriptive studies or data reports and manuscript which has been published on preprint servers. The manuscript will also not be accepted without statistical power analysis.

Research and review articles, case and brief reports, letter to editors should be submitted to JSSM in the field of sports injuries, exercise physiology, sports rehabilitation, diseases and exercise, sports traumatology, sports psychology, nutrition, sports biomechanics and kinesiology, sports education. The articles are to be submitted electronically to Editor-in-Chief. Editors may make necessary changes to articles in accordance with "Instructions to Authors". There is no page and reference limitation for the manuscript. All files related to manuscripts should be submitted electronically. Internet transmission and e-mail attachments are preferred. Text files should be in Microsoft Word 6.O and later versions. Each figure, table, photograph or other image should be submitted electronically. The manuscripts should be submitted in Times New Roman font, 12-point type, double-spaced with 3 cm margins on all sides. The reference style used by the Journal is the Harvard System of referencing. All files related to manuscripts should be submitted electronically.

Manuscripts are considered if they are submitted only to JSSM and therefore should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in part or in whole, in any language, without the consent of JSSM. Authors are responsible for the scientific context and legal aspects of the articles. Each author also accepts that the JSSM will not be held legally responsible for any claims of compensation.

Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Please include at the end of the acknowledgments a declaration that the experiments comply with the current laws of the country in which they were performed. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the abovementioned requirements. The author(s) will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill the above-mentioned requirements.

Research articles and case studies involving human and animal subjects must conform to the policy statement with respect to the Declaration of Helsinki. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that a patient's anonymity is carefully protected and to verify that any experimental investigation with human subjects reported in the manuscript was performed with informed consent and following all the guidelines for experimental investigation with human subjects required by the institution(s) with which all the authors are affiliated. Authors should mask patients' eyes and remove patients' names from figures unless they obtain written consent from the patients and submit written consent with the manuscript.

Conflicts of interest
Authors must state all possible conflicts of interest, including financial, consultant, institutional, and other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as none declared. All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgment section.

The JSSM must receive in writing the exclusive assignment of Copyright Transfer Statement from all authors at the time of manuscript submission. Manuscripts will not enter the peer-review process until the Copyright Transfer Statement assignment form is completed and sent to the Editorial Office. Manuscripts are considered for publication on the condition that they are contributed solely to this Journal and, therefore, have not been and will not be published elsewhere, in part or in whole. Manuscripts containing data that have been posted to the Internet for public access will not be considered for publication.

J Sports Sci & Med is published using the open-access model. All content is available free of charge without restrictions from the journal's Website at The submission and peer-review of manuscripts are free of charge. The authors are only requested to pay USD($) 2650 or Euro(€) 2500 or GBP(£) 2100 per article as a royalty fee. Hereby, the authors share the copyright equally with JSSM and have the right to publish their articles in their University/Institute repository or on their personal websites; can use their articles totally or partially in their thesis, lectures, lecture notes, textbooks; can distribute their articles to the third party without the permission of JSSM. This fee is requested after a positive evaluation of a manuscript. The reviewer as a submitted author of the article has a %20 discount. Only bank transfers are accepted.

An author is free to withdraw an article at no charge as long as it is withdrawn within a week of its original submission. After a week, there is a withdrawal fee. Once peer review is completed and/or the paper is accepted for publication, there are some costs of the process, which is about 40% of the publishing fee. This cost is used for the publishing fee bonus of JSSM's reviewers. Therefore, the withdrawal fee is 40% of the publishing fee. For detail, you can contact the editor-in-chief.

It is understood that all authors listed on a manuscript have agreed to its submission. The signature of the corresponding author on the letter of submission signifies that all conditions declared by JSSM web page have been fulfilled and accepted. Each submission should include the Copyright Transfer Statement signed by all authors.

JSSM use double-blind review process. Upon receipt of a manuscript, the editor will notify the corresponding author that the submission has been received. Received manuscripts are first examined by the JSSM editors and check about Plagiarism by using a commercial software program. Manuscripts with insufficient priority for publication and the presence of Plagiarism are rejected promptly. Manuscripts not prepared in the advised style will be sent back to authors without scientific review. We encourage authors to suggest the names of potential reviewers, but we reserve the right of final selection. The manuscript will undergo a double-blinded review process. Under this process, the editor will forward (electronically) the manuscript to two independent reviewers. Normally the review process will take approximately 4 weeks. After the review process has been completed the main author will be notified via E-mail either of acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript. If the main author has not been informed of the results of the review process after 8 weeks from the date of confirmation of receipt of the manuscript (by the editor), the author should notify the editor-in-chief directly. If revision was recommended, this should be completed and returned to the editor within 4 weeks, failure to return the revised manuscript within the allotted time span will lead to rejection of the manuscript. When a manuscript has been accepted for publication it will be forwarded to the editor-in-chief for final approval. The editor-in-chief will work with the main author to make necessary revisions in order for the manuscript to appear in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. The final proof of the manuscript will be sent to the main author as an E-mail attachment. If the main author requires any minor changes to the finished work, these should be submitted electronically to the editor-in-chief within one week.

Materials taken from other sources must be accompanied by a written statement from both author and publisher giving permission to the Journal for reproduction. Obtain permission in writing from at least one author of papers still in press, unpublished data, and personal communications.


Include the following sections in research articles without page space:
TITLE: Capital letters.
AUTHORS: Surname followed by initials and institution(s) where the study was conducted.
RUNNING HEAD: Maximum 5 words.
ABSTRACT: Include an abstract of not more than 300 words that includes objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
KEY WORDS: To assist in indexing the journal, list up to 6 key words (not from the title), which your article could be indexed. If possible, use terms from the Index Medicus medical subjects headings (MeSH) (
Provide information sufficient to identify sources of support, technical assistance, and intellectual contributions not associated with authorship.
REFERENCES: Each citation in the text must be noted by surname and year in parentheses and must appear in the reference section as an alphabetic order. Example for citation in the text; a) for the single author (Gür, 1999), b) for two authors (Gür and Akova, 2001), c) more than two authors (Gür et al., 2000).

Endnote JSSM's style DOWNLOAD

Journal article:
Akova, B., Sürmen-Gür, E., Gür, H., Dirican, M., Sarandöl, E. and Kücükoglu, S. (2001) Exercise-induced oxidative stress and muscular performance in healthy women: role of vitamin E supplementation and endogenous estradiol. European Journal of Applied Physiology 84, 141-147.
Journal article, article not in English:
Seker-Aygül, Z., Akova, B. and Gür, H. (2001) The relationship of stress and stress management factors with injury in soccer players. Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine 36, 71-80. (In Turkish: English abstract).
Journal article in press:
Gür, H., Cakin, N., Akova, B., Okay, E. and Kücükoglu, S (2002) Concentric versus combined concentric- eccentric isokinetic training: Effects on functional capacity and symptoms in patients with osteoarthrosis of the knee. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, in press.
Journal article in electronic format:
Weigand, D.A., Carr, S., Petherick, C. and Taylor, A. (2001) Motivational climate in Sport and Physical Education: The role of significant others. European Journal of Sports Science (serial online) 1(4), (13 screens/inclusive page), October. Available from URL: [Accessed 8 April 2015].
Gur, H., Şekir, U., Akova, B. and Kucukoglu, S. (2003) A multi-station proprioceptive exercise program in patients with bilateral knee osteoarthrosis: functional capacity, pain and sensoriomotor function. 8th Anual Congress European College of Sports Science, July 9-12, Salzburg-Austria. Book of Abstract. 404.

Guyton, A.C. and Hall, J.E. (1996) Textbook of medical physiology. 9th edition. London: W. B. Saunders Company.
Chapter in edited book:
Wilson, C.H. (1984) Exercise for arthritis. In: Therapeutic exercise. Ed: Basmajian, J.V. 4th edition. Baltimor: Williams and Wilkins. 529-545.
Özyener, F. (2000) Effects of work intensity on dynamics of pulmonary gas exchange during exercise in humans. Doctoral thesis, University of London, London. 79.
Thesis not in English:
Özer, Ö. (2001) The effect of muscle exercise to oxygen kinetics in chronic smokers. Doctoral thesis, University of Uludag, Bursa. 1-54. (In Turkish: English abstract).

Please include a brief biography, approximately 50 words per author, for each author including (1) academic title/degrees, (2) institution affiliation, (3) research focus, (4) post and e-mail addresses and (5) photograph produced in JPEG format.

TABLES, FIGURES, VIDEO, ANIMATION ETC: The location within the article where e.g. figures and tables appear should be indicated in the text. These materials (e.g. table, figure) should be submitted separately from the text document. Each item should be produced in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint), GIF, or TIFF format. Electronically produced drawings, graphs, photographs, photomicrographs, animation, and video are all acceptable. Limit still art files to 700 kilobytes of memory and use 96 dpi resolution or consult with the editor-in-chief. Please have original photos or negatives available to submit on the request of the editor-in-chief. Clearly identify digitally enhanced images as such and describe the method of enhancement. Include internal scale markers where appropriate. The author is responsible for ensuring that persons pictured in photographs have provided informed consent for the use of their pictures. Please include the photographer's name with each photograph so that he or she can be properly acknowledged. Submit each item separately and number sequentially as (main author) Figure 1.jpg, (main author) Figure2.jpg, and so on, for example, GurFigure1.jpg, GurTable1.doc, GurVideo1.avi. Video clips should be less than 8 seconds in length; segments of greater length should be broken into a series of shorter clips. Make sure that each video clip is referred to within the body of the manuscript, together with an appropriate description of it.

Tables capture information concisely, and display it efficiently; they also provide information at any desired level of detail and precision. Including data in tables rather than text frequently makes it possible to reduce the length of the text.

Type each table with double spacing on a separate sheet of paper. Number tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each. Do not use internal horizontal or vertical lines. Give each column a short or abbreviated heading. Authors should place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations. For footnotes use the following symbols, in sequence:


Identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean, and give the variations in parentheses.

Be sure that each table is cited in the text.

If you use data from another published or unpublished source, obtain permission, and acknowledge them fully.

The JSSM accepts only systematic review or meta-analysis. Include the following sections in review articles without page space:

Capital letters. All titles should include "a Systematic Review".
AUTHORS: Surname followed by initials and institution(s) where the study was conducted.
RUNNING HEAD: Maximum 5 words.
ABSTRACT: Include an abstract of not more than 300 words.
KEY WORDS: To assist in indexing the journal, list up to 6 key words (not from title), which your article could be indexed. If possible, use terms from the Index Medicus medical subjects headings (MeSH) (
The systematic review methodology, the protocol used for identifying studies for inclusion into the review, and for assessing the quality and risk of bias of the studies must be given. All systematic reviews (with or without meta-analysis) should address all the items recommended in the PRISMA statement. A completed PRISMA checklist and Flow Diagram should accompany the submission. For details on further use, see the PRISMA Web site.
Provide information sufficient to identify sources of support, technical assistance, and intellectual contributions not associated with authorship.
REFERENCES: Each citation in the text must be noted by surname and year in parentheses and must appear in the reference section as an alphabetic order. Example for citation in the text; a) for the single author (Gür,1999), b) for two authors (Gür and Akova, 2001), c) more than two authors (Gür et al., 2000). See the reference section of the research article for detail.
For detail see the author biography section of the research article.
TABLES, FIGURES, VIDEO, ANIMATION, ETC.: For details see the tables, figures, video, animation section of the research article.

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts describing specific clinical cases that provide relevant information on diagnosis and therapy of a particular case that proves unique to clinical sports medicine. Authors are also encouraged to submit case reports supporting the sports science practitioners work with athletes. Manuscripts should contain the following without page space:

TITLE: Capital letters. ;
AUTHORS: Surname followed by initials and institution(s) where the study was conducted.
RUNNING HEAD: Maximum 5 words.
ABSTRACT: Include an abstract of not more than 200 words.
To assist in indexing the journal, list up to 6 key words (not from title), which your article could be indexed. If possible, use terms from the Index Medicus medical subjects headings (MeSH) (
CASE REPORT: A brief case report including history, physical examination, and laboratory findings followed by treatment and outcome.
Each citation in the text must be noted by surname and year in parentheses and must appear in the reference section as an alphabetic order. Example for citation in the text; a) for the single author (Gür, 1999), b) for two authors (Gür and Akova, 2001), c) more than two authors (Gür et al., 2000). See the reference section of the research article for detail.
For detail see the author biography section of the research article.
TABLES, FIGURES, VIDEO, ANIMATION ETC.: For details see the tables, figures, video, animation section of the research article.

Letters addressed to the editor-in-chief will be considered for publication. Letters contain an informative title and follow the submission requirements for manuscripts. Letters should be limited to 2-3 pages, 5-8 references, and a maximum of 2 tables or figures (or 1 table and 1 figure). Letters should contain the following without page space:

TITLE: Capital letters.
REFERENCES: Each citation in the text must be noted by surname and year in parentheses and must appear in the reference section as an alphabetic order. Example for citation in the text; a) for the single author (Gür, 1999), b) for two authors (Gür and Akova, 2001), c) more than two authors (Gür et al., 2000). See the reference section of the research article for detail.
AUTHORS: Surname and initials together with telephone number, facsimile number, and full postal and E-mail address.
TABLE, FIGURE, VIDEO ETC.: For detail see the tables, figures, video, animation section of the research article.

Organizers of future conferences, symposia, and panel proceedings in sports medicine or the exercise sciences are encouraged to contact the editor-in-chief regarding publication. National or international conferences, symposia, and panel proceedings should include the overall title, start and finish dates, location, subject areas, and main speakers.

Individuals attending international conferences are invited to provide members with a brief summary of keynote speeches. A summary of a particular topic should be a maximum of one page. The person submitting the summary should give their surname, initials, and their institution (e.g. summarized by Hakan Gür, Department of Sports Medicine, Medical Faculty of Uludag University, Bursa-TR, E-mail:


  • Double-space manuscript text and use 3cm margins on all sides, and Times New Roman, 12-point type, American English, and SI units.
  • Include with text a title and heading title, abstract, key words, figure and table lists, figure and table legends.
  • Submit all materials electronically in separate files.
  • Include complete author names, addresses, e-mail, phone, and fax numbers.
  • Include informed consent for identifiable patients and photos or videos of subjects.
  • Include a short (~50 words) author biography for each author with photographs (optional) produced in JPEG format.
  • Suggest three potential reviewers' names and addresses including e-mail.
  • Provide a box with 3-5 bullet points listing the key points of the paper.
  • Letter of permission to reprint figures or tables or text (if applicable)
  • Accompany the "Copyright Transfer Statement"

Hakan Gur, MD, PhD
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Department of Sports Medicine
Medical Faculty of Uludag University
16059 Bursa
Tel: +90 (224) 295 35 00
Fax: +90 (224) 442 87 27
E-mail: or