Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
December 2009 - Volume 08, Issue 4
Table of Contents
Review article
The Sports Science of Curling: A Practical Review
John L. Bradley
2009, 08(4), 495-500

Research article
Does the Level of Graphical Detail of a Virtual Handball Thrower Influence a Goalkeeper’s Motor Response?
Nicolas Vignais, Benoit Bideau, Cathy Craig, Sébastien Brault, Franck Multon, Paul Delamarche, Richard Kulpa
2009, 08(4), 501-508

Research article
Effect of BETA 1, 3/1, 6 GLUCAN on Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Symptoms and Mood State in Marathon Athletes
Shawn Talbott, Julie Talbott
2009, 08(4), 509-515

Research article
The effects of Creatine Long-Term Supplementation on Muscle Morphology and Swimming Performance in Rats
Ahmet Yildiz, Ercan Ozdemir, Sefa Gulturk, Sena Erdal
2009, 08(4), 516-522

Research article
Differences in Game Statistics Between Winning and Losing Rugby Teams in the Six Nations Tournament
Enrique Ortega, Diego Villarejo, José M. Palao
2009, 08(4), 523-527

Research article
Familiarisation and Reliability of Sprint Test Indices During Laboratory and Field Assessment
James G. Hopker, Damian A. Coleman, Jonathan D. Wiles, Andrew Galbraith
2009, 08(4), 528-532

Research article
Effects of Long-Term Physical Activity on Cardiac Structure and Function: A Twin Study
Sara Mutikainen, Merja Perhonen, Markku Alén, Tuija Leskinen, Jouko Karjalainen, Taina Rantanen, Jaakko Kaprio, Urho M. Kujala
2009, 08(4), 533-542

Research article
Repeated Abdominal Exercise Induces Respiratory Muscle Fatigue
Christopher L. Gomez, Lisa M. Strongoli, J. Richard Coast
2009, 08(4), 543-547

Research article
Effects of Prolonged Tendon Vibration Stimulation on Eccentric and Concentric Maximal Torque and Emgs of the Knee Extensors
Yu Konishi, Junjiro Kubo, Akinori Fukudome
2009, 08(4), 548-552

Research article
Short-Term Bone Biochemical Response to a Single Bout of High-Impact Exercise
Timo Rantalainen, Ari Heinonen, Vesa Linnamo, Paavo V. Komi, Timo E. S. Takala, Heikki Kainulainen
2009, 08(4), 553-559

Research article
Paths to Expertise in Portuguese National Team Athletes
Nuno Leite, Joseph Baker, Jaime Sampaio
2009, 08(4), 560-566

Research article
The Validity of Submaximal Ratings of Perceived Exertion to Predict One Repetition Maximum
Roger Eston, Harrison James Llewelyn Evans
2009, 08(4), 567-573

Research article
Effects of Endurance Running and Dietary Fat on Circulating Ghrelin and Peptide YY
Ryan D. Russell, Kentz S. Willis, Eric Ravussin, Enette D. Larson-Meyer
2009, 08(4), 574-583

Research article
Noninvasive Determination of Knee Cartilage Deformation During Jumping
Nenad Filipovic, Radun Vulovic, Aleksandar Peulic, Radivoje Radakovic, Djordje Kosanic, Branko Ristic
2009, 08(4), 584-590

Research article
Effects of Sodium Phosphate Loading on Aerobic Power and Capacity in off Road Cyclists
Milosz Czuba, Adam Zajac, Stanislaw Poprzecki, Jaroslaw Cholewa, Scott Woska
2009, 08(4), 591-599

Research article
The Effect of Tapering Period on Plasma Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Levels and Performance in Elite Male Cyclists
Negin Farhangimaleki, Farzad Zehsaz, Peter M. Tiidus
2009, 08(4), 600-606

Research article
Kinetic Assessment of Golf Shoe Outer Sole Design Features
Paul Worsfold, Neal A. Smith, Rosemary J. Dyson
2009, 08(4), 607-615

Research article
Net Heart Rate to Prescribe Physical Activity in Middle-Aged to Older Active Adults
José A Bragada, P. Magalhães Pedro, Catarina S. Vasques, M. Barbosa Tiago, P. Lopes Vítor
2009, 08(4), 616-621

Research article
Post-Season Detraining Effects on Physiological and Performance Parameters in Top-Level Kayakers: Comparison of Two Recovery Strategies
Jesús García-Pallarés, Luis Carrasco, Arturo Díaz, Luis Sánchez-Medina
2009, 08(4), 622-628

Research article
Scale Development for Measuring and Predicting Adolescents’ Leisure Time Physical Activity Behavior
Francis Ries, Santiago Romero Granados, Silvia Arribas Galarraga
2009, 08(4), 629-638

Research article
Number of Successive Cycles Necessary to Achieve Stability of Selected Ground Reaction Force Variables During Continuous Jumping
Vitomir Racic, Aleksandar Pavic, Jasmes M.W. Brownjohn
2009, 08(4), 639-647

Research article
Improved Motor-Timing: Effects of Synchronized Metro-Nome Training on Golf Shot Accuracy
Marius Sommer, Louise Rönnqvist
2009, 08(4), 648-656

Research article
A Study of Shuttlecock’s Trajectory in Badminton
Lung-Ming Chen, Yi-Hsiang Pan, Yung-Jen Chen
2009, 08(4), 657-662

Research article
Muscle Strength and Qualitative Jump-Landing Differences in Male and Female Military Cadets: The Jump-ACL Study
Anthony I. Beutler, Sarah J. de la Motte, Stephen W. Marshall, Darin A. Padua, Barry P. Boden
2009, 08(4), 663-671

Research article
Effects of High-Dose Creatine Supplementation on Kidney and Liver Responses In Sedentary and Exercised Rats
Renato A. Souza, Humberto Miranda, Murilo Xavier, Rodrigo A. Lazo-Osorio, Hélio A. Gouvea, José C. Cogo, Rodolfo P. Vieira, Wellington Ribeiro
2009, 08(4), 672-681

Research article
Circuit Resistance Exercise Improves Glycemic Control and Adipokines in Females with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Sunghwun Kang, Jin Hee Woo, Ki Ok Shin, Dukkuy Kim, Hye-Jeong Lee, Young Jun Kim, Nam Hwoeh Yeo
2009, 08(4), 682-688

Research article
The Reliability of Adolescent Thermoregulatory Responses During a Heat Acclimation Protocol
Caroline S. Brokenshire, Neil Armstrong, Craig A. Williams
2009, 08(4), 689-695

Case report
Exercise Limitations in a Competitive Cyclist Twelve Months Post Heart Transplantation
Jeremy A. Patterson, Nicolas G. Walton
2009, 08(4), 696-701

Case report
Surgical Treatment of Stress Fracture of the Scaphoid of an Adolescent Gymnast
Tokuyoshi Yamagiwa, Hiroyuki Fujioka, Hiroaki Okuno, Masaki Tomatsuri, Juichi Tanaka, Shinichi Yoshiya
2009, 08(4), 702-704

Case report
Subcutaneous Peroneus Longus Tendon Rupture Associated with OS Peroneum Fracture
Hiroyuki Fujioka, Takeshi Kokubu, Takeshi Makino, Issei Nagura, Toshihisa Maeda, Masahiro Kurosaka, Hiroaki Okuno, Tokuyoshi Yamagiwa, Juichi Tanaka, Shinichi Yoshiya
2009, 08(4), 705-708

Letter to editor
Comments on the Paper “The Nephrotoxicity Risk in Rats Subjected to Heavy Muscle Activity” by Gülsen Oner and Selma Cirrik (2009) Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 8, 481-488 and Response of the Authors
Thys M. Mouton
2009, 08(4), 709-710

Letter to editor
Higher Body Mass Index is a Predictor of Death Among Professional Sumo Wrestlers
Hideyuki Kanda, Takehito Hayakawa, Satoshi Tsuboi, Yayoi Mori, Teruna Takahashi, Tetsuhito Fukushima
2009, 08(4), 711-712

Book review
Ronald J. Maughan
2009, 08(4), 715

Book review
Ronald J. Maughan
2009, 08(4), 714

Book review
Roald Bahr and Lars Engebretsen
2009, 08(4), 713

Book review
Neil Armstrong & William van Mechelen
2009, 08(4), 716

Guest Reviewers, Volume 08, 2009
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