JSSM is an electronic journal that aims to present easy access to scientific knowledge for sport-conscious individuals using contemporary methods. The purpose is to minimise the problems like the delays in the publishing process of the articles or to acquire previous issues by drawing advantage from the electronic medium. In this context, forming a discussion channel among the researchers would present a further opportunity to address any question or problem immediately. JSSM would also facilitate to display non-conventional materials like video clips, animations, colour photos, etc.
Comparing The Effectiveness of 10-Minute Dynamic Stretching, Vibration Rolling, and Climbing-Specific Warm-Ups on Exercise Performances in Rock Climbers
Combining HIIT with Small-Sided Soccer Games Enhances Cardiometabolic and Physical Fitness More Than Each Alone in Overweight Youth: A Randomized Controlled Study
Comparing The Effects of Maximal Strength Training, Plyometric Training, and Muscular Endurance Training on Swimming-Specific Performance Measures: A Randomized Parallel Controlled Study in Young Swimmers
Sequencing Effects of Concurrent Resistance and Short Sprint Interval Training on Physical Fitness, and Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance of Karate Athletes
Comparing Physical Fitness Adaptations Induced by Small-Sided Soccer Games with and Without Ball Touch Limitations: A Randomized Parallel and Controlled Study
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