Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
June 2010 - Volume 09, Issue 2
Table of Contents
Research article
Comparison of Active and Electrostimulated Recovery Strategies After Fatiguing Exercise
Marc Vanderthommen, Souleyma Makrof, Christophe Demoulin
2010, 09(2), 164-169

Research article
Time Course Change of IGF1/Akt/mTOR/p70s6k Pathway Activation in Rat Gastrocnemius Muscle During Repeated Bouts of Eccentric Exercise
Eisuke Ochi, Naokata Ishii, Koichi Nakazato
2010, 09(2), 170-175

Research article
Heart Rate Variability Before and After Cycle Exercise in Relation to Different Body Positions
Otto F. Barak, Djordje G. Jakovljevic, Jelena Z. Popadic Gacesa, Zoran B. Ovcin, David A. Brodie, Nikola G. Grujic
2010, 09(2), 176-182

Research article
Effects of Caffeine on Exercise Performance in Sedentary Females
Karen E. Wallman, Jin W. Goh, Kym J. Guelfi
2010, 09(2), 183-189

Research article
The Relative Age Effect in Youth Soccer Players from Spain
David Gutierrez Diaz Del Campo, Juan Carlos Pastor Vicedo, Sixto Gonzalez Villora, Onofre Ricardo Contreras Jordan
2010, 09(2), 190-198

Research article
Testing of Tactical Performance in Youth Elite Soccer
Daniel Memmert
2010, 09(2), 199-205

Research article
The Acute Effects of Back Squats on Vertical Jump Performance in Men and Women
Chad A. Witmer, Shala E. Davis, Gavin L. Moir
2010, 09(2), 206-213

Research article
Women and Men in Sport Performance: The Gender Gap has not Evolved since 1983
Valérie Thibault, Marion Guillaume, Geoffroy Berthelot, Nour El Helou, Karine Schaal, Laurent Quinquis, Hala Nassif, Muriel Tafflet, Sylvie Escolano, Olivier Hermine, Jean-François. Toussaint
2010, 09(2), 214-223

Research article
Metabolic and Cardiovascular Responses to Upright Cycle Exercise with Leg Blood Flow Reduction
Hayao Ozaki, William F. Brechue, Mikako Sakamaki, Tomohiro Yasuda, Masato Nishikawa, Norikazu Aoki, Futoshi Ogita, Takashi Abe
2010, 09(2), 224-230

Research article
Motivational Cluster Profiles of Adolescent Athletes: An Examination of Differences in Physical-Self Perception
Emine Çağlar, F. Hülya Aşçı
2010, 09(2), 231-238

Research article
Differences in Physical Fitness and Cardiovascular Function Depend on BMI in Korean Men
Wi-Young So, Dai-Hyuk Choi
2010, 09(2), 239-244

Research article
The Calciotropic Hormone Response to Omega-3 Supple-Mentation During Long-Term Weight-Bearing Exercise Training in Post Menopausal Women
Bakhtiar Tartibian, Behzad Hajizadeh Maleki, Asghar Abbasi
2010, 09(2), 245-252

Research article
Autonomic Nervous Activity and Lipid Oxidation Postexercise with Capsaicin in the Humans
Ki Ok Shin, Nam Hwoeh Yeo, Sunghwun Kang
2010, 09(2), 253-261

Research article
Caffeine Attenuates Acute Growth Hormone Response to a Single Bout of Resistance Exercise
Bo-Han Wu, Jung-Chang Lin
2010, 09(2), 262-269

Research article
The Effect of Core Exercises on Transdiaphragmatic Pressure
Lisa M. Strongoli, Christopher L. Gomez, J. Richard Coast
2010, 09(2), 270-274

Research article
Frontal Plane Knee Moments in Golf: Effect of Target Side Foot Position at Address
Scott K. Lynn, Guillermo J. Noffal
2010, 09(2), 275-281

Research article
Analysis of the Vertical Ground Reaction Forces and Temporal Factors in the Landing Phase of a Countermovement Jump
Daniel Rojano Ortega, Elisabeth C. Rodríguez Bíes, Francisco J. Berral de la Rosa
2010, 09(2), 282-287

Research article
Game-Related Statistics that Discriminated Winning, Drawing and Losing Teams from the Spanish Soccer League
Carlos Lago-Peñas, Joaquín Lago-Ballesteros, Alexandre Dellal, Maite Gómez
2010, 09(2), 288-293

Research article
The Effects of Regular Aerobic Exercise on Renal Functions in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats
Hatice Kurdak, Sunay Sandikci, Nilay Ergen, Ayşe Dogan, Sanli Sadi Kurdak
2010, 09(2), 294-299

Research article
Does Combined Dry Land Strength and Aerobic Training Inhibit Performance of Young Competitive Swimmers?
Nuno Garrido, Daniel A. Marinho, Victor M. Reis, Roland van den Tillaar, Aldo M. Costa, António J. Silva, Mário C. Marques
2010, 09(2), 300-310

Research article
Intensity and Timing in Life of Recreational Physical Activity in Relation to Breast Cancer Risk Among Pre- and Postmenopausal Women
Joanna Kruk
2010, 09(2), 311-319

Research article
Interactive Effects of Team Cohesion on Perceived Efficacy in Semi-Professional Sport
Francisco Miguel Leo Marcos, Pedro Antonio Sánchez Miguel, David Sánchez Oliva, Tomás García Calvo
2010, 09(2), 320-325

Research article
Effects of Warm-Up on Vertical Jump Performance and Muscle Electrical Activity Using Half-Squats at Low and Moderate Intensity
Konstantinos Sotiropoulos, Ilias Smilios, Marios Christou, Karolina Barzouka, Angelos Spaias, Helen Douda, Savvas p. Tokmakidis
2010, 09(2), 326-331

Research article
Cycling Efficiency in Trained Male and Female Competitive Cyclists
James Hopker, Simon Jobson, Helen Carter, Louis Passfield
2010, 09(2), 332-337

Research article
Cell Damage, Antioxidant Status, and Cortisol Levels Related to Nutrition in Ski Mountaineering During a Two-Day Race
Elena Diaz, Fatima Ruiz, Itziar Hoyos, Jaime Zubero, Leyre Gravina, Javier Gil, Jon Irazusta, Susana Maria Gil
2010, 09(2), 338-346

Research article
Psychological Factors as Predictors of Injuries Among Senior Soccer Players. A Prospective Study
Andreas Ivarsson, Urban Johnson
2010, 09(2), 347-352

Book review
Jacquelin Perry and Judith M. Burnfield
2010, 09(2), 353

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