Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
June 2011 - Volume 10, Issue 2
Table of Contents
Review article
Current Opinions on Tendinopathy
Jean-François Kaux, Bénédicte Forthomme, Caroline Le Goff, Jean-Michel Crielaard, Jean-Louis Croisier
2011, 10(2), 238-253

Research article
Effects of Combined Creatine Plus Fenugreek Extract vs. Creatine Plus Carbohydrate Supplementation on Resistance Training Adaptations
Lem Taylor, Chris Poole, Earnest Pena, Morgan Lewing, Richard Kreider, Cliffa Foster, Colin Wilborn
2011, 10(2), 254-260

Research article
Effect of a Pre-Workout Energy Supplement on Acute Multi-Joint Resistance Exercise
Adam M. Gonzalez, Allyson L. Walsh, Nicholas A. Ratamess, Jie Kang, Jay R. Hoffman
2011, 10(2), 261-266

Research article
Comparison of Rowing on a Concept 2 Stationary and Dynamic Ergometer
Aaron Benson, Julianne Abendroth, Deborah King, Thomas Swensen
2011, 10(2), 267-273

Research article
Interplay of Different Contextual Motivations and Their Implications for Exercise Motivation
David González-Cutre, Álvaro Sicilia, Cornelio Águila
2011, 10(2), 274-282

Research article
The Effects of Exercise on Food Intake and Hunger: Relationship with Acylated Ghrelin and Leptin
Serife Vatansever-Ozen, Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez, Guler Bugdayci, Guclu Ozen
2011, 10(2), 283-291

Research article
Effects of Combined Foot/Ankle Electromyostimulation and Resistance Training on the In-Shoe Plantar Pressure Patterns during Sprint in Young Athletes
François Fourchet, Sami Kuitunen, Olivier Girard, Adam J. Beard, Grégoire P. Millet
2011, 10(2), 292-300

Research article
DHA- Rich Fish Oil Improves Complex Reaction Time in Female Elite Soccer Players
José F. Guzmán, Hector Esteve, Carlos Pablos, Ana Pablos, Cristina Blasco, José A. Villegas
2011, 10(2), 301-305

Research article
Effect of Taurine Supplementation on the Alterations in Amino Acid Content in Skeletal Muscle with Exercise in Rat
Keisuke Ishikura, Teruo Miyazaki, Song-Gyu Ra, Shoji Endo, Yusuke Nakamura, Takashi Matsuzaka, Shumpei Miyakawa, Hajime Ohmori
2011, 10(2), 306-314

Research article
Effect of Phlebodium Decumanum on the Immune Response Induced by Training in Sedentary University Students
Jose A. Gonzalez-Jurado, Francisco Pradas, Edgardo S. Molina, Carlos de Teresa
2011, 10(2), 315-321

Research article
Selective Activation of the Rectus Abdominis Muscle During Low-Intensity and Fatiguing Tasks
Paulo H. Marchetti, André F. Kohn, Marcos Duarte
2011, 10(2), 322-327

Research article
Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Resistance Training for Untrained Adults
Yusuke Osawa, Yuko Oguma
2011, 10(2), 328-337

Research article
Legs and Trunk Muscle Hypertrophy Following Walk Training with Restricted Leg Muscle Blood Flow
Mikako Sakamaki, Michael G. Bemben, Takashi Abe
2011, 10(2), 338-340

Research article
May I Curse a Referee? Swear Words and Consequences
Andrea Praschinger, Christine Pomikal, Stefan Stieger
2011, 10(2), 341-345

Research article
Assessing Inter-Effort Recovery and Change of Direction Ability with the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test
Bachar Haydar, Hani Al Haddad, Said Ahmaidi, Martin Buchheit
2011, 10(2), 346-354

Research article
Spinal Posture of Thoracic and Lumbar Spine and Pelvic Tilt in Highly Trained Cyclists
José M. Muyor, Pedro A. López-Miñarro, Fernando Alacid
2011, 10(2), 355-361

Research article
Energy Expenditure and Habitual Physical Activities in Adolescent Sprint Athletes
Dirk Aerenhouts, Evert Zinzen, Peter Clarys
2011, 10(2), 362-368

Research article
Heart Rate Recovery after Submaximal Exercise in Four Different Recovery Protocols in Male Athletes and Non-Athletes
Otto F. Barak, Zoran B. Ovcin, Djordje G. Jakovljevic, Zagorka Lozanov-Crvenkovic, David A. Brodie, Nikola G. Grujic
2011, 10(2), 369-375

Research article
Field-Based Pre-Cooling for On-Court Tennis Conditioning Training in the Heat
Rob Duffield, Stephen P. Bird, Robert J. Ballard
2011, 10(2), 376-384

Research article
Gene Response of the Gastrocnemius and Soleus Muscles to an Acute Aerobic Run in Rats
Michael J. McKenzie, Allan H. Goldfarb, David S. Kump
2011, 10(2), 385-392

Research article
ACTN3 R577X Polymorphism and Neuromuscular Response to Resistance Training
Paulo Gentil, Rinaldo W. Pereira, Tailce K.M. Leite, Martim Bottaro
2011, 10(2), 393-399

Research article
Effects of Music Interventions on Emotional States and Running Performance
Andrew M. Lane, Paul A. Davis, Tracey J. Devonport
2011, 10(2), 400-407

Research article
Short Durations of Static Stretching when Combined with Dynamic Stretching do not Impair Repeated Sprints and Agility
Del P. Wong, Anis Chaouachi, Patrick W.C. Lau, David G. Behm
2011, 10(2), 408-416

Letter to editor
Laboratory Testing and Field Performance in BMX Riders
William M. Bertucci, Christophe Hourde
2011, 10(2), 417-419

Letter to editor
Time Motion Analysis of Supercross BMX Racing
John F. Cowell, John B. Cronin, Michael R. McGuigan
2011, 10(2), 420-421

Letter to editor
On the Evaluation of Postural Stability after ACL Recostruction
Eleftherios Kellis, Ioannis G. Amiridis, Nikolaos Kofotolis
2011, 10(2), 422-423

Book review
Mike Hutson and Cathy Speed
2011, 10(2), 424

Book review
Margaret M. Plack and Maryanne Driscoll
2011, 10(2), 425

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