Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2017) 16, 172 - 179

Research article
Leadership Preferences of Adolescent Players in Sport: Influence of Coach Gender
Angelita B. Cruz1, Hyun-Duck Kim2, 
Author Information
1 Department of Physical Education, Keimyung University, Daegu City, South Korea
2 Department of Sport Marketing, Keimyung University, Daegu City, South Korea

Hyun-Duck Kim
✉ Department of Sport Marketing, Keimyung University, 1095 Dalgubeol-daero, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu City, South Korea 42601
Publish Date
Received: 14-11-2016
Accepted: 17-03-2017
Published (online): 01-06-2017

The authors investigated the coaching behavior preferences and the relationships of these preferences with variables such as gender, type of sport, playing experience, competitive level, and coach gender among young athletes in the national badminton league. Participants were 167 elementary and high school badminton players (91 girls and 76 boys; age range = 9–18 years; M = 13.5 (SD = 2.22) years) competing in the badminton event of a national league. Players’ preferences for coaching behavior were measured using athlete preference version of the LSS to evaluate the five dimensions of leadership behavior in a sporting context. Notably, young athletes strongly preferred training and instruction, followed by positive feedback, democratic behavior, social support, and autocratic behavior. An interaction effect of athlete and coach gender on the leadership dimensions of democratic behavior, autocratic behavior, and social support was found. Male athletes with female coaches preferred more democratic behavior, autocratic behavior, and social support behavior than did those with male coaches. Conversely, female players with male coaches favored more democratic behavior, autocratic behavior, and social support than did those with female coaches. This study provides valuable insight into understanding the dynamics of sport leadership environments among young athletes, and how crucial is the role of coach’s gender in the athlete–coach dyad interaction.

Key words: Asian athletics, badminton, individual sport, Leadership Scale for Sport, coach leadership style

           Key Points
  • The gender of the coach is an important factor what coaching behaviors are preferred by young male and female athletes, particularly democratic, autocratic and social support behaviors.
  • Young badminton athletes preferred their coaches to show autocratic coaching behaviour occasionally.
  • First to provide basic knowledge on sport leadership preferences in the Philippines.
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