Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
from September 2014
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2002) 01, 128 - 135

Research article
Physiological Changes in Sixth Graders Who Trained to Walk the Boston Marathon
Stella L. Volpe1, , Frank N. Rife2, Edward L. Melanson3, Ann Merritt1, Joanne Witek4, Patty S. Freedson2
Author Information
1 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Nutrition
2 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Exercise Science
3 Colorado University Health Sciences Center,
4 Crocker and Marks Meadow Elementary Schools, Amherst, Department of Physical Education

Stella L. Volpe
✉ Department of Nutrition, University of Massachusetts, 208 Chenoweth Lab, 100 Holdsworth Way, Amherst, MA 01003, USA
Publish Date
Received: 14-06-2002
Accepted: 16-09-2002
Published (online): 01-12-2002

The purpose of this study was to assess if supervised, low intensity training would improve aerobic capacity and body composition in sixth graders. Twelve sixth graders walk-trained at approximately 50% of their maximal heart rate, four to five days/week for 12 weeks; beginning with an average of 10 miles/week and increasing to about 27 miles/week (Experimental group [E]). Six subjects of similar age volunteered to be controls (Control group [C]). Baseline and post?training measurements included: height (cm), body weight (kg), sum of skinfolds at six sites (mm), and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max; ml·kg-1·min-1). Three-day dietary records were also collected at pre-, mid-, and post-training to assess dietary changes that may have occurred during the study. There were significant increases (p < 0.05) from baseline to post-training in both groups in height and body weight. There was a significant interaction in the sum of skinfolds: E decreased 10.3% (p < 0.05) and C increased 2.3% (p > 0.05). There were no significant differences between groups in relative VO2max (ml·kg-1min-1) from baseline to post-training. C consumed significantly more total kilojoules (11,577 ± 3883 [C]; 7431 ± 2523 [E]) and more total grams of carbohydrate (392 ± 403 [C]; 227 ± 48 [E]) and fat (93 ± 97 [C]; 62 ± 29 [E]) than E, post-training. C also consumed significantly more total grams of protein than E pre-training (95 ± 99 [C]; 74 ± 21 [E]). In conclusion, walk-training elicited a significant decrease in sum of skinfolds with no change in relative VO2max. Furthermore, no dietary changes were observed in the experimental group as a result of the training.

Key words: Children, low intensity exercise, walk-training

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