Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
from September 2014
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2007) 06, 417 - 422

Research article
Effects of Different Resistance Exercise Protocols on Nitric Oxide, Lipid Peroxidation and Creatine Kinase Activity in Sedentary Males
Nevin Atalay Güzel1, , Serkan Hazar2, Deniz Erbas3
Author Information
1 Gazi University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Exercise Physiology, Ankara, Turkey
2 Nigde University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Nigde, Turkey
3 Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Ankara, Turkey

Nevin Atalay Güzel
✉ Gazi University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Department of Exercise Physiology, 06500, Besevler, Ankara, Turkey
Publish Date
Received: 10-10-2006
Accepted: 15-06-2007
Published (online): 01-12-2007

The purpose of this study was to determine the changes of oxidative response and exercise-induced muscle damage after two different resistance exercise protocols. Whether training with low or high intensity resistance programs cause alterations in the activities of lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide (NOx), and creatine kinase (CK) activity in human plasma was investigated. Twenty untrained males participated into this study. Ten of the subjects performed high intensity resistance (HR) exercise circuit and the rest of them performed low intensity resistance (LR) exercise circuit of 4 different exercises as a single bout. Venous blood samples were drawn pre-exercise, immediately after the exercise, and at the 6th, 24th, 48th and the72nd hours of post-exercise. Samples were analyzed for markers of muscle damage (CK), lipid peroxidation (MDA) and NOx. NOx production increased in HR group (p < 0.05). The MDA response to the two different resistance exercise protocol in this study caused a significant increase between pre and post-exercise values in both groups (p < 0.05). Also, there was a significant difference in the MDA level between the two groups in post-exercise values (p < 0.05) and higher values were observed in HR group. CK activities showed a significant increase in all post exercise values (p < 0.05) of both groups but there were no difference between HR and LR groups. These findings support that high intensity resistance exercise induces free radical production more than low intensity resistance exercise program.

Key words: Anaerobic, intensity, lipid peroxidation, damage, blood

           Key Points
  • High intensity resistance exercise caused increases in NO, MDA and CK levels.
  • Light intensity resistance exercises increased MDA and CK levels but did not affect NO levels.
  • Damage arose during resistance exercises may be related to the level of resistance applied.
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