Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
from September 2014
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2013) 12, 290 - 297

Research article
Sport Nutrition and Doping in Tennis: An Analysis of Athletes’ Attitudes and Knowledge
Miran Kondric1, , Damir Sekulic2,3, Ognjen Uljevic2, Goran Gabrilo2, Milan Zvan1
Author Information
1 University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
2 University of Split, Split, Croatia;
3 NIHON doo, Split, Croatia

Miran Kondric
✉ Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Gortanova 22, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Publish Date
Received: 27-08-2012
Accepted: 30-11-2012
Published (online): 01-06-2013

Nutrition and doping issues are rarely studied in the sport of tennis. The aims of this investigation were to determine knowledge on doping (KD) and knowledge on sport nutrition (KSN), and corresponding socio-demographic-, sport-, and sport-nutrition- and doping-factors among an international sample of high-level tennis players of both sexes (43 females; 22 years old on average). In the first phase of the investigation, the KSN and KD questionnaires were studied for their reliability and validity. The consumption of NS is found to be very high, with almost of all the females and 80% of the males using NS at least occasionally. The athletes showed a low tendency regarding future doping usage, although most of them are convinced that doping does exist in tennis. Since athletes declared that their coaches are their main source of information about NS and doping, future studies should investigate what coaches actually know about such problems. KSN has been found to be protective against potential doping behavior in the future. Males are found to be more prone to doping than females. Therefore, in order to prevent doping behavior in tennis we strongly suggest intensive educational programs on sports nutrition and doping-related problems.

Key words: Dietary supplementation, substances, reliability, validity, test

           Key Points
  • The incidence of nutritional supplementation use among the tennis players is found to be very high, especially among the females.
  • Although most of the subjects are of the opinion that the doping behavior is present in tennis circuit, we have found a low tendency regarding future doping usage, and high levels of athletes’ trust in their coaches with regard to nutritional supplementation and doping.
  • There are indices that the knowledge about nutrition is protective factor against potential doping behavior. It clearly reinforces the need to include a wide educational program on sports nutrition in tennis, but also in other sports.
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