Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2014) 13, 658 - 665

Research article
Physical and Temporal Characteristics of Under 19, Under 21 and Senior Male Beach Volleyball Players
Alexandre Medeiros1, Rui Marcelino2, Isabel Mesquita1, José Manuel Palao3, 
Author Information
1 Faculty of Sport, University of Oporto, Portugal
2 Research Center in Sport Sciences, Health and human Development (CIDESD),University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro at Vila Real, Portugal
3 Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Murcia, Spain

José Manuel Palao
✉ Prof., Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Murcia, Spain
Publish Date
Received: 26-11-2013
Accepted: 26-05-2014
Published (online): 01-09-2014

This study aimed to assess the effects of age groups and players’ role (blocker vs. defender specialist) in beach volleyball in relation to physical and temporal variables, considering quality of opposition. 1101 rallies from Under 19 (U19), 933 rallies from Under 21 (U21), and 1480 rallies from senior (senior) (Men’s Swatch World Championships, 2010-2011) were observed using video match analysis. Cluster analysis was used to set teams’ competitive levels and establish quality of opposition as “balanced”, “moderate balanced” and “unbalanced” games. The analyzed variables were: temporal (duration of set, total rest time, total work time, duration of rallies, rest time between rallies) and physical (number of jumps and number of hits done by defenders and blockers) characteristics. A one-way ANOVA, independent samples t-test and multinomial logistic regression were performed to analyze the variables studied. The analysis of temporal and physical characteristics showed differences considering age group, player’s role and quality of opposition. The duration of set, total rest time, and number of jumps done by defenders significantly increased from the U19 to senior category. Multinomial logistic regression showed that in: a) balanced games, rest time between rallies was higher in seniors than in U19 or U21; number of jumps done by defenders was higher in seniors than in U19) and U21; b) moderate balanced games, number of jumps done by defenders was higher in seniors than in U21 and number of jumps done by blockers was smaller in U19 than U21 or seniors; c) unbalanced games, no significant findings were shown. This study suggests differences in players’ performances according to age group and players’ role in different qualities of opposition. The article provides reference values that can be useful to guide training and create scenarios that resemble a competition, taking into account physical and temporal characteristics.

Key words: Logistic regression, match analysis, age groups, performance, quality of opposition, player role, beach volley

           Key Points
  • Player roles, quality of opposition, and competitive level of the teams influence physical and temporal characteristics, and they may be taken into consideration during the training by strength and conditioning coaches and coaches.
  • More experienced players adopt strategies to better manage their effort and rest time between rallies.
  • The game strategy affects the physical actions done by players (e.g. tendency to serve more to one player of the team affects the number of jumps performed by this player).
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