Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2015) 14, 233 - 238

Research article
Repeated-Sprint Cycling Does Not Induce Respiratory Muscle Fatigue in Active Adults: Measurements from The Powerbreathe® Inspiratory Muscle Trainer
Clare Minahan1, , Beth Sheehan1, Rachel Doutreband1, Tom Kirkwood1, Daniel Reeves1, Troy Cross2
Author Information
1 Griffith University Sports Science, School of Allied Health Sciences, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia
2 Heart Foundation Research Centre, Griffith Health Institute, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Clare Minahan
✉ Griffith University Sports Science, Gold Coast campus, Griffith University QLD 4222, Australia
Publish Date
Received: 05-11-2014
Accepted: 17-12-2014
Published (online): 01-03-2015

This study examined respiratory muscle strength using the POWERbreathe® inspiratory muscle trainer (i.e., ‘S-Index’) before and after repeated-sprint cycling for comparison with maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) values obtained during a Mueller maneuver. The S-Index was measured during six trials across two sessions using the POWERbreathe® and MIP was measured during three trials in a single session using a custom-made manometer in seven recreationally active adults. Global respiratory muscle strength was measured using both devices before and after the performance of sixteen, 6-s sprints on a cycle ergometer. Intraclass correlation coefficients for the POWERbreathe® S-index indicated excellent (p < 0.05) trial-to-trial (r = 0.87) and day-to-day (r = 0.90) reliability yet there was no significant correlation (r = -0.35, p = 0.43) between the S-Index measured using the POWERbreathe® and MIP measured during a Mueller maneuver. Repeated-sprint cycling had no effect on respiratory muscle strength as measured by the POWERbreathe® (p > 0.99) and during the Mueller maneuver (p > 0.99). The POWERbreathe® S-Index is a moderately reliable, but not equivalent, measure of MIP determined during a Mueller maneuver. Furthermore, repeated-sprint cycling does not induce globalized respiratory muscle fatigue in recreationally-active adults.

Key words: Maximal inspiratory pressure, respiratory muscle fatigue, repeated-sprint ability, mouth pressure, manometer

           Key Points
  • The S-Index as measured by the POWERbreathe® is a reliable measure of respiratory muscle strength
  • The S-Index does not accurately reflect maximal inspiratory pressure obtained from a Mueller maneuver
  • Repeated-sprint cycling does not induce respiratory muscle fatigue as measured by the POWERbreathe® and the Manometer
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