Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
March 2004 - Volume 03, Issue 1
Table of Contents
Research article
The Effects of Kinesio™ Taping on Proprioception at the Ankle
Travis Halseth, John W. McChesney, Mark DeBeliso, Ross Vaughn, Jeff Lien
2004, 03(1), 1-7

Research article
Salivary Cortisol Responses and Perceived Exertion during High Intensity and Low Intensity Bouts of Resistance Exercise
Michael R. McGuigan, Alison D. Egan, Carl Foster
2004, 03(1), 8-15

Research article
The Influence of Vibration on Muscle Activation and Rate of Force Development during Maximal Isometric Contractions
Brendan Humphries, Geoff Warman, Jason Purton, Tim L. A. Doyle, Eric Dugan
2004, 03(1), 16-22

Research article
Shock-Absorbing Effects of Various Padding Conditions in Improving Efficacy of Wrist Guards
Il-Kyu Hwang, Kyu-Jung Kim
2004, 03(1), 23-29

Research article
Jumping and Landing Techniques in Elite Women’s Volleyball
Mark D. Tillman, Chris J. Hass, Denis Brunt, Gregg R. Bennett
2004, 03(1), 30-36

Research article
Effects of High-Impact Mechanical Loading on Synovial Cell Cultures
Irene Sun, Yunlong Liu, Shigeo M. Tanaka, Chung W. Lee, Hui Bin Sun, Hiroki Yokota
2004, 03(1), 37-43

Research article
Comparison of Visual Acuity in Reduced Lumination and Facility of Ocular Accommodation in Table Tennis Champions and Non- Players
Ebrahim Jafarzadehpur, Mohammad R. Yarigholi
2004, 03(1), 44-48

Research article
Physical Activity Alters Urinary Albumin/ Creatinine Ratio in Type 1 Diabetic Patient
Ercan Tuncel, Erdinc Erturk, Canan Ersoy, Sinem Kiyici, Cevdet Duran, Nesrin Kuru, Sazi Imamoglu
2004, 03(1), 49-54

Letter to editor
Hyperbaric Oxygenation and Aerobic Performance
Irvine D. Prather, Judy R. Wilson
2004, 03(1), 55-56

Letter to editor
The Prevalance of Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction in Elite Athletes
Mehmet Ünal, Türker Şahinkaya, Deniz Namaraslı, Vakur Akkaya, Abidin Kayserilioglu
2004, 03(1), 57-59

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