Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
December 2015 - Volume 14, Issue 4
Table of Contents
Research article
Relationships Between Lower-Body Muscle Structure and, Lower-Body Strength, Explosiveness and Eccentric Leg Stiffness in Adolescent Athletes
Josh L. Secomb, Sophia Nimphius, Oliver R.L. Farley, Lina E. Lundgren, Tai T. Tran, Jeremy M. Sheppard
2015, 14(4), 691-697

Research article
Assessing Stride Variables and Vertical Stiffness with GPS-Embedded Accelerometers: Preliminary Insights for the Monitoring of Neuromuscular Fatigue on the Field
Martin Buchheit, Andrew Gray, Jean-Benoit Morin
2015, 14(4), 698-701

Case report
Clinical and Laboratory Responses of Cross-Country Skiing for a 24-H World Record: Case Report
Markus Niemelä, Jukka Juvonen, Päivikki Kangastupa, Onni Niemelä, Tatu Juvonen
2015, 14(4), 702-707

Research article
Validity and Reproducibility of an Incremental Sit-To-Stand Exercise Test for Evaluating Anaerobic Threshold in Young, Healthy Individuals
Keisuke Nakamura, Masayoshi Ohira, Yoshiharu Yokokawa, Yuya Nagasawa
2015, 14(4), 708-715

Research article
Influence of Two Different Exercise Programs on Physical Fitness and Cognitive Performance in Active Older Adults: Functional Resistance-Band Exercises vs. Recreational Oriented Exercises
Hernán Ponce-Bravo, Christian Ponce, Belén Feriche, Paulino Padial
2015, 14(4), 716-722

Research article
A Comparison of the Habitual Landing Strategies from Differing Drop Heights of Parkour Practitioners (Traceurs) and Recreationally Trained Individuals
Regan J. Standing, Peter S. Maulder
2015, 14(4), 723-731

Research article
Impact of Sport Context and Support on the Use of a Self-Report Measure for Athlete Monitoring
Anna E. Saw, Luana C. Main, Paul B. Gastin
2015, 14(4), 732-739

Research article
Physical Fitness and Serum Vitamin D and Cognition in Elderly Koreans
Jeong-Deok Ahn, Hyunsik Kang
2015, 14(4), 740-746

Research article
The Effects of High Intensity Interval Training vs Steady State Training on Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity
Carl Foster, Courtney V. Farland, Flavia Guidotti, Michelle Harbin, Brianna Roberts, Jeff Schuette, Andrew Tuuri, Scott T. Doberstein, John P. Porcari
2015, 14(4), 747-755

Research article
Effects of an 8-Month Ashtanga-Based Yoga Intervention on Bone Metabolism in Middle-Aged Premenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Study
SoJung Kim, Michael G. Bemben, Allen W. Knehans, Debra A. Bemben
2015, 14(4), 756-768

Research article
Effect of Two Types of Active Recovery on Fatigue and Climbing Performance
Pedro L. Valenzuela, Pedro de la Villa, Carmen Ferragut
2015, 14(4), 769-775

Research article
Increased Hypoxic Dose After Training at Low Altitude with 9h Per Night at 3000m Normobaric Hypoxia
Amelia J. Carr, Philo U. Saunders, Brent S. Vallance, Laura A. Garvican-Lewis, Christopher J. Gore
2015, 14(4), 776-782

Research article
Preseason Training: The Effects of a 17-Day High-Intensity Shock Microcycle in Elite Tennis Players
Jaime Fernandez-Fernandez, David Sanz-Rivas, Jose Manuel Sarabia, Manuel Moya
2015, 14(4), 783-791

Research article
Jump Rope Training: Balance and Motor Coordination in Preadolescent Soccer Players
Athos Trecroci, Luca Cavaggioni, Riccardo Caccia, Giampietro Alberti
2015, 14(4), 792-798

Research article
Physiological Demands of Simulated Off-Road Cycling Competition
Gerhard Smekal, Serge P. von Duvillard, Maximilian Hörmandinger, Roland Moll, Mario Heller, Rochus Pokan, David W. Bacharach, Linda M. LeMura, Paul Arciero
2015, 14(4), 799-810

Research article
Symptoms of Common Mental Disorders in Professional Football (Soccer) Across Five European Countries
Vincent Gouttebarge, Frank J.G. Backx, Haruhito Aoki, Gino M.M.J. Kerkhoffs
2015, 14(4), 811-818

Research article
Metabolic Demand of Paralympic Alpine Skiing in Sit-Skiing Athletes
Maren Goll, Michael S. F. Wiedemann, Peter Spitzenpfeil
2015, 14(4), 819-824

Research article
Changes in Indirect Markers of Muscle Damage and Tendons After Daily Drop Jumping Exercise with Rapid Load Increase
Vidas Paleckis, Mantas Mickevičius, Audrius Snieckus, Vytautas Streckis, Mati Pääsuke, Saulius Rutkauskas, Rasa Steponavičiūtė, Albertas Skurvydas, Sigitas Kamandulis
2015, 14(4), 825-833

Research article
Estimating Hemodynamic Responses to the Wingate Test Using Thoracic Impedance
Todd A. Astorino, Curtis Bovee, Ashley DeBoe
2015, 14(4), 834-840

Research article
Multi-Axis Prosthetic Knee Resembles Alpine Skiing Movements of an Intact Leg
Ivan Demšar, Jože Duhovnik, Blaž Lešnik, Matej Supej
2015, 14(4), 841-848

Research article
Similar Anti-Inflammatory Acute Responses from Moderate-Intensity Continuous and High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise
Carolina Cabral-Santos, José Gerosa-Neto, Daniela Sayuri Inoue, Valéria Leme Gonçalves Panissa, Luís Alberto Gobbo, Alessandro Moura Zagatto, Eduardo Zapaterra Campos, Fábio Santos Lira
2015, 14(4), 849-856

Research article
A Clustered Repeated-Sprint Running Protocol for Team-Sport Athletes Performed in Normobaric Hypoxia
Jaime Morrison, Chris McLellan, Clare Minahan
2015, 14(4), 857-863

Research article
Effects of Preventative Ankle Taping on Planned Change-of-Direction and Reactive Agility Performance and Ankle Muscle Activity in Basketballers
Matthew D. Jeffriess, Adrian B. Schultz, Tye S. McGann, Samuel J. Callaghan, Robert G. Lockie
2015, 14(4), 864-876

Research article
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Plasma Adiponectin Level and Adiponectin-related Protein Expression in Myocardial Tissue of ApoE-/- Mice
Xiao-Juan Zhu, Li-Hui Chen, Jiang-Hua Li
2015, 14(4), 877-882

Letter to editor
Maximal Inspiratory Pressure: A Lost Point Trying to Explain a S-Index Function Line Index
Paulo Eugênio Silva, João Luiz Quaglioti Durigan, Gerson Cipriano
2015, 14(4), 883-884

Letter to editor
Stable, Unstable and Metastable States of Equilibrium: Definitions and Applications to Human Movement
Armin Kibele, Urs Granacher, Thomas Muehlbauer, David G. Behm
2015, 14(4), 885-887

Guest Reviewers, Volume 14, 2015
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