Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
June 2012 - Volume 11, Issue 2
Table of Contents
Review article
Whole-Body Vibration and Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases: A Review of the Literature
Konstantina Chanou, Vassilis Gerodimos, Konstantina Karatrantou, Athanasios Jamurtas
2012, 11(2), 187-200

Review article
How Healthy is the Behavior of Young Athletes? A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analyses
Katharina Diehl, Ansgar Thiel, Stephan Zipfel, Jochen Mayer, David G. Litaker, Sven Schneider
2012, 11(2), 201-220

Research article
Reliability of the One-Repetition Maximum Test Based on Muscle Group and Gender
Dong-il Seo, Eonho Kim, Christopher A. Fahs, Lindy Rossow, Kaelin Young, Steven L. Ferguson, Robert Thiebaud, Vanessa D. Sherk, Jeremy P. Loenneke, Daeyeol Kim, Man-ki Lee, Kyung-hoon Choi, Debra A. Bemben, Michael G. Bemben, Wi-Young So
2012, 11(2), 221-225

Research article
The Relationship Between School Performance and the Number of Physical Education Classes Attended by Korean Adolescent Students
Sang-Yeob Kim, Wi-Young So
2012, 11(2), 226-230

Research article
Increased Distance of Shooting on Basketball Jump Shot
Victor Hugo Alves Okazaki, André Luiz Félix Rodacki
2012, 11(2), 231-237

Research article
The Effects of an Early Return to Training on the Bone-Tendon Junction Post-Acute Micro-Injury Healing
Lin Wang, Weiwei Gao, Kaiyu Xiong, Ning Liu, Bo Wang
2012, 11(2), 238-244

Research article
Effects of Run-Up Velocity on Performance, Kinematics, and Energy Exchanges in The Pole Vault
Nicholas P. Linthorne, A. H. Gemma Weetman
2012, 11(2), 245-254

Research article
Muscle Activity Response to External Moment During Single-Leg Drop Landing in Young Basketball Players: The Importance of Biceps Femoris in Reducing Internal Rotation of Knee During Landing
Meguru Fujii, Haruhiko Sato, Naonobu Takahira
2012, 11(2), 255-259

Research article
Prediction of Enjoyment in School Physical Education
Arto Gråstén, Timo Jaakkola, Jarmo Liukkonen, Anthony Watt, Sami Yli-Piipari
2012, 11(2), 260-269

Research article
Retired Matches Among Male Professional Tennis Players
Kristijan Breznik, Vladimir Batagelj
2012, 11(2), 270-278

Research article
Effects of Dynamic and Static Stretching Within General and Activity Specific Warm-Up Protocols
Michael Samson, Duane C. Button, Anis Chaouachi, David G. Behm
2012, 11(2), 279-285

Research article
Modulatory Effect of Subthalamic Nucleus on the Development of Fatigue During Exhausting Exercise: An in Vivo Electrophysiological and Microdialysis Study in Rats
Dalei Wang, Xiaoli Liu, Decai Qiao
2012, 11(2), 286-293

Research article
Fundamental Study of Detection of Muscle Hypertrophy-Oriented Gene Doping by Myostatin Knock Down Using RNA Interference
Tohru Takemasa, Naohisa Yakushiji, Dale Manjiro Kikuchi, Custer Deocaris, Widodo, Masanao Machida, Hidenori Kiyosawa
2012, 11(2), 294-303

Research article
Practicing Field Hockey Skills Along the Contextual Interference Continuum: A Comparison of Five Practice Schedules
Jadeera Phaik Geok Cheong, Brendan Lay, J. Robert Grove, Nikola Medic, Rizal Razman
2012, 11(2), 304-311

Research article
Intervention for Spanish Overweight Teenagers in Physical Education Lessons
Emilio J. Martínez-López, Alberto Grao-Cruces, José E. Moral-García, Antonio Pantoja-Vallejo
2012, 11(2), 312-321

Research article
Effects of an 8-Month Yoga Intervention on Arterial Compliance and Muscle Strength In Premenopausal Women
SoJung Kim, Michael G. Bemben, Debra A. Bemben
2012, 11(2), 322-330

Research article
Is a Cognitive-Behavioural Biofeedback Intervention Useful to Reduce Injury Risk in Junior Football Players?
Arne Edvardsson, Andreas Ivarsson, Urban Johnson
2012, 11(2), 331-338

Research article
The Perceptual Cognitive Processes Underpinning Skilled Performance in Volleyball: Evidence From Eye-Movements and Verbal Reports of Thinking Involving an in Situ Representative Task
José Afonso, Jêlio Garganta, Allistair Mcrobert, Andrew M. Williams, Isabel Mesquita
2012, 11(2), 339-345

Research article
Localised Muscle Tissue Oxygenation During Dynamic Exercise With Whole Body Vibration
Daniel Robbins, Clare Elwell, Alfonso Jimenez, Mark Goss-Sampson
2012, 11(2), 346-351

Case report
Painful os Acromiale: Conservative Management in a Young Swimmer Athlete
Antonio Frizziero, Maria G. Benedetti, Domenico Creta, Antonio Moio, Stefano Galletti, Nicola Maffulli
2012, 11(2), 352-356

Letter to editor
Zumba: Is the “Fitness-Party” a Good Workout?
Mary Luettgen, Carl Foster, Scott Doberstein, Rick Mikat, John Porcari
2012, 11(2), 357-358

Book review
Ronald J. Maughan and Louise M. Burke
2012, 11(2), 359

Book review
Lynn Van Ost
2012, 11(2), 360

Book review
Michael F. Nolan
2012, 11(2), 361

Book review
Julian Redhead and Jonathan Gordon
2012, 11(2), 362

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